Weekly TBR | Um… Oops, I Forgot to Read

So as you may have guessed from the title, I did not have the greatest reading week ever. I mean, it wasn’t bad but I didn’t hit my goal of reading 3 books and I totally could have. Looking back, I’m honestly not sure what happened. There were 3 days this week that I didn’tContinue reading “Weekly TBR | Um… Oops, I Forgot to Read”

5 Books I Read Last Week | 3 Books for This Week

Last week’s TBR experiment was a success! I read a grand total of 5 books last week. Yes, FIVE! I am so excited that it was such a success, which means that I’m doing it again this week. Once again, I’m choosing three books for my TBR this week but first, what did I endContinue reading “5 Books I Read Last Week | 3 Books for This Week”

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