Traitors & Tyrants Update

I have been terrible at updating y’all here. I’ve talked about this book off and on enough that I really should be better about it. I’ve missed updating you guys on everything here! Traitors & Tyrants successfully released on December 6th, 2021. I am so relieved to have this book out in the world now!Continue reading “Traitors & Tyrants Update”

Short Story + Traitors & Tyrants

It has been a pretty big week. I started and DNFd a book 😢, I wrote a short story, and Kindle Vella launched. What is Kindle Vella you say? In short, Kindle Vella is Amazon’s answer to other serial platforms. What does this mean for you right now? It means you get early access toContinue reading “Short Story + Traitors & Tyrants”

Goals for the New Year (2021 Edition)

Oh my goodness, I am so glad that 2021 is finally here. 2020 was so long. I have a lot of things planned for 2021 and I can’t wait to share them all with you. I have been busy making plans and (of course) reading. I am nearly two books into my January TBR alreadyContinue reading “Goals for the New Year (2021 Edition)”

NaNoWriMo + Update #3: Traitors & Tyrants Draft 5 Revisions

It has been a couple weeks since my last writing update but it’s for a very good reason! I am furiously revising Traitors & Tyrants for NaNoWriMo. I didn’t revise anything after October 25th until November 1st. I let myself take it easy the last few days of October and read some books instead to chargeContinue reading “NaNoWriMo + Update #3: Traitors & Tyrants Draft 5 Revisions”

Update #2: Traitors & Tyrants Draft 5 Revisions

All right, here we are week since my last writing update on the blog. Right now I’m waiting for my writing vlog videos to do the thing so I figured I’d write a blog post so I can also listen to an audiobook. 😂 I didn’t do a great job tracking my daily progress soContinue reading “Update #2: Traitors & Tyrants Draft 5 Revisions”

Update #1: Traitors & Tyrants Draft 5 Revisions

I’m not really sure where I last left y’all with an update so in case anyone was wondering, I am still working on Traitors & Tyrants. 😂 At this point it will probably haunt me in my grave if I don’t finish it. But I’m very hopeful. I wanted to have revisions done or nearlyContinue reading “Update #1: Traitors & Tyrants Draft 5 Revisions”

JunoWriMo | You Know, It’s Me, Being Overly Ambitious

I know I just talked about how I’ve decided to chill on expectations for myself; and I have. But I miss drafting and I’m really excited about making some changes to Traitors & Tyrants. That’s right. If you’ve been following me on twitter, then you know that I’ve recently had some huge breakthroughs in TraitorsContinue reading “JunoWriMo | You Know, It’s Me, Being Overly Ambitious”

February Writing Update | Yet Another Set Back

I’ve become more open about the difficulties I’ve had with my novel writing the last few years. When I lost half of my revisions for Traitors & Tyrants everything came to a crashing halt. I just started working on it again last month and I was nearly half way through reading it and trying to determine whatContinue reading “February Writing Update | Yet Another Set Back”

2019 Writing Goals | Because Writing is Important

Yes, I know I already did a 2019 goals blog post. Shhhhh. This one is different though. In order to achieve those big writing goals I put on it, I need to have smaller ones. You can’t write a book in a day. Okay, maybe YOU can, but I can’t. So I like to breakContinue reading “2019 Writing Goals | Because Writing is Important”

January 2019 Writing Update | What Magic is This!?

So when last we left each other on the writing front, I was working on a brand new fantasy series. I haven’t actually finish drafting that but its time will come. NaNoWriMo didn’t go as planned. That book still isn’t finished yet; I was a bad writer. This year I am making a concerted effortContinue reading “January 2019 Writing Update | What Magic is This!?”

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