Books of My Childhood, Books of My Life

A million. books get published in a year and there are TOO MANY for us to consume. Oh, but try we do. Before I started blogging, I read some amazing books. Books that are amazing and that I love to this day. Reviewing them would be ideal but I can’t review every book I’ve everContinue reading “Books of My Childhood, Books of My Life”

8 Series to Give Your Kids

Having three younger brothers has given me a glimpse at how hard it is to get some kids reading. They’re older now but it’s still really difficult to get them to read sometimes. So, if you’re looking to try and get your own kids or a friend’s into reading, here’s what I suggest.  Series IContinue reading “8 Series to Give Your Kids”

The Most Magical Books I’ve Ever Read

In honor of World Book Night, I’ve decided to tell you guys about the most magical book I’ve ever read. Drum roll, please.     You probably think I’m a little crazy right now, after all there are plenty of books you can probably think of that are better/more entertaining. Allow me to explain. AsContinue reading “The Most Magical Books I’ve Ever Read”

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