Review: The Red Fox Clan | Action. Treachery. What More Could I Want?

Okay. I admit it. I was slightly apprehensive about following Maddie’s journey as a Ranger. She is the first female Ranger, which presents some challenges, but nothing that can’t be overcome. I’ve definitely warmed up to her though. I absolutely loved that this book showed us a bit more of what the Ranger Gathering looksContinue reading “Review: The Red Fox Clan | Action. Treachery. What More Could I Want?”

Looking Back and Forward #1

All righty peoples, here’s a peek at what you missed last week and what’s up this week.   Last Week Reviews:   Allegiant by Veronica Roth (Stephanie) The Royal Ranger by John Flanagan (Stephanie) Sanctuary by Pauline Creeden (Stephanie)   Discussion:   Dream Bookish Room – Sofa and Chairs (Stephanie)   Cover Reveal:   Salt by DanielleContinue reading “Looking Back and Forward #1”

Review: The Royal Ranger | A Series Comes Full Circle

The Royal Ranger by John Flanagan Published by Philomel Format Reviewed: Hardcover Publication Date: November 5th, 2013 Genre: MG High Fantasy Pages: 464 My Rating: 4 of 5 Stars Reviewed by: Stephanie Buy It After a senseless tragedy destroys his life, Will is obsessed with punishing those responsible – even if it means leaving theContinue reading “Review: The Royal Ranger | A Series Comes Full Circle”

Cover and Synopsis Reveal!!!

I don’t usually put exclamation points in the title but I can’t help it this time. Some of you may remember my post about The Royal Ranger (the twelfth book in The Ranger’s Apprentice series by John Flanagan) when I learned about it. Well I was looking around last week and learned that there wasContinue reading “Cover and Synopsis Reveal!!!”

Friday Couple: Will & Alyss

Favorite Fictional Couples  It’s Friday Couple time so that means I get to gush and tell you why I think another couple works.   If you missed it, then you can read last week’s Friday Couple about Simon & Isabelle from The Mortal Instruments here.   This week I’ve chosen to tell you guys aboutContinue reading “Friday Couple: Will & Alyss”

Waiting on Wednesday: The Royal Ranger

Welcome to my first week of participating in the meme, Waiting on Wednesday hosted by Breaking the Spine, in which I will be featuring a book I am dying to read but that hasn’t been released yet. (My own graphic for this meme in association with my blog is in the works.) This book doesn’t have a summaryContinue reading “Waiting on Wednesday: The Royal Ranger”

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