7 Books From Your Backlist You Should Read this Year

All right, I’ve been shouting about all of the 2019 books that are coming out or have already come out this year. Now I’m going to tell you what books to read this year. There is no choice in this. Look, we all get behind and our TBRs are all much bigger than we canContinue reading “7 Books From Your Backlist You Should Read this Year”

7 Halloween Book Recs

It’s the best time of the year! Halloween! Creepy movies. Creepy TV shows. And, to top it all off, creepy books! This is legit my favorite holiday of the year and I have slowly been working on getting my house ready for it. But I’ve put together a great line-up of Halloween books for you!Continue reading “7 Halloween Book Recs”

6 Books to Binge Read On a Rainy Day

The thing about rainy days is that they can be really boring, but they can also be incredibly cozy. And what better to curl up with on a rainy day than the perfect book to binge read? Look, children’s books like The Lightning Thief and Fablehaven are fun, light books and easy to spend away your day immersedContinue reading “6 Books to Binge Read On a Rainy Day”

5 Books that Should Be on TV

I’ve been rather disappointed by quite a few recent book-to-screen adaptations. People seem to have a difficult time nailing down the atmosphere of these novels, causing any changes they make to the story line to feel like a betrayal. This doesn’t always have to be the case. As we saw with The Hobbit films, Jackson kept theContinue reading “5 Books that Should Be on TV”

Release Day Fun for A Cold Legacy

It’s finally time! A Cold Legacy is now available and I get to share an excerpt with y’all! I loved The Madman’s Daughter and Her Dark Curiosity and couldn’t be more excited to see how the series ends. There’s a giveaway for a signed copy of A Cold Legacy and swag courtesy of Megan ShepherdContinue reading “Release Day Fun for A Cold Legacy”

My Top 5 Creepiest Books

Dudes, it’s Halloween and I’ve been waiting to share this list with you for months, so now I present to you the five creepiest books I’ve ever read (as of October 2014)! This definitely isn’t in any order but each book is creepy in its own way. It should be noted that I don’t likeContinue reading “My Top 5 Creepiest Books”

Review: Her Dark Curiosity | Encroaching Madness

Watch out because Megan Shepherd is back. Last we left Juliet Moreau, she was floating away from an island in the middle of the ocean. Now she’s arrived back in London and everything should be fine, however, she still isn’t able to outrun her father’s crimes or his influence. I entered Shepherd’s second novel withContinue reading “Review: Her Dark Curiosity | Encroaching Madness”

Monster Classics Read-Along Sign-up & Giveaways

What type of blogger would I be if I didn’t offer some sort of giveaway during the Monster Classics Read-along this month? I’ve been trying to figure out what in the world to offer and it finally came to me. I’ll be offering two giveaways. Yup. Two. One will be for those actually participating inContinue reading “Monster Classics Read-Along Sign-up & Giveaways”

Dive into October with Monster Classics

I am unbelievably excited for October. I have ALL THE PLANS in store and I’m just so flipping excited for it all. Everyone raise your hands if you like Halloween. I thought as much. I’m a huge fan as well so, naturally, I’ve been thinking about what I should READ in preparation and celebration because,Continue reading “Dive into October with Monster Classics”

Gif Book Tag

Some time ago, I was tagged by Amanda @ Book Badger to use a gif to describe a list of books (provided by her), after which I will leave a list myself and tag a bunch of people. Let’s get right to this then. 1. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan IContinue reading “Gif Book Tag”

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