Making 2019 the Year of the Backlist

So 2017 and 2018 were terrible reading years for me. I was burnt out and I only read a total of 16 books. Combined. I know, it is very sad. So I’ve been working on getting caught up on some of the book releases I missed in 2017 and 2018. Not to brag or anything butContinue reading “Making 2019 the Year of the Backlist”

4 Series I Want to Finish This Year

So after going MIA with blogging and reading for a year because… life. I have a lot of books to catch up on and a few series need to finish sometime this year. Am I the only one who can absolutely love a series, but when it comes to finishing the last book I’m completeContinue reading “4 Series I Want to Finish This Year”

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