Books of My Childhood, Books of My Life

A million. books get published in a year and there are TOO MANY for us to consume. Oh, but try we do. Before I started blogging, I read some amazing books. Books that are amazing and that I love to this day. Reviewing them would be ideal but I can’t review every book I’ve everContinue reading “Books of My Childhood, Books of My Life”

Monday Spotlight: Alison Croggon

I made it! If you’re a new follower, then welcome to my rather-late Monday Spotlight! If you’ve been here a while, then welcome back! This week’s spotlight features Alison Croggon author of The Books of Pellinor series. Born in 1962, Alison Croggon is one of a generation of Australian poets which emerged in the 1990s.Continue reading “Monday Spotlight: Alison Croggon”

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