Review: Sorcery of Thorns | Lets Live in a Library

Sorcery of Thorns has a pretty good premise. Elisabeth lives in a library and wants to become a warden so she can protect the grimoires there. The books are, for intents and purposes, alive. If they’re damaged, then they turn into fearsome beasts, Maleficts. Destroying a Malefict means destroying the book forever, and grimoires canContinue reading “Review: Sorcery of Thorns | Lets Live in a Library”

Reading Rush Readathon TBR & Progress

Okay, so I don’t usually do readathons but my TBR fit into the challenges for the Reading Rush Readathon, so I took the plunge. And I am having so much fun! I didn’t know about this readathon until the night before and I joined it on a whim Monday morning when I was home sickContinue reading “Reading Rush Readathon TBR & Progress”

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