Release Day Thoughts | I completed a series

Wow. The day is finally here. The Siren Walking series is finally complete. My first published trilogy. I have to qualify this as my first published trilogy because I did write a YA dystopian trilogy back in the day, but it’s going to be a while before any of that sees the light of day.Continue reading “Release Day Thoughts | I completed a series”

July 2021 Camp NaNoWriMo Plans

Here we are once again, another NaNoWriMo event, another writing project, more books. What could be better than books though? Not very many things, that’s for sure. So what am I doing this month? Let me tell you… I am working on two different projects this month, and only one of them is my officialContinue reading “July 2021 Camp NaNoWriMo Plans”

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