Review: Sea Witch | Two girls. Two boys. One death.

No one in town likes Evie and she blames herself for the death of her friend, Anna. But then one day she meets a girl who looks just like Anna. In order to keep Anna with her though, Evie needs to use magic and magic is forbidden. Honestly, with Sea Witch I think I expected more.Continue reading “Review: Sea Witch | Two girls. Two boys. One death.”

January 2019 Reading Wrap-Up | So Many Books

Welcome to my new monthly reading wrap-up! I had big reading plans for January, and I like to think that I met those. Now, that isn’t to say that I read every book on my TBR because I didn’t. I had been planning on reading Wicked Saints and A Touch of Gold, but that didn’t happen. I didContinue reading “January 2019 Reading Wrap-Up | So Many Books”

January 2019 Book Haul | In Which I Haul All the Books

I don’t post book hauls often but I am really excited about the books I’ve received this month to read! Especially since I decided to request some ARCs! That’s right, your girl will be giving you some reviews ahead of publication to help you figure out if y’all want to pre-order these babies! I justContinue reading “January 2019 Book Haul | In Which I Haul All the Books”

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