Book Review: The Anti-Relationship Year

This is the second book I’ve read this month and I really enjoyed it. Katie Wismer is a great writer and I’ve loved all of her poetry books. I also read her book The Marionettes, but it was much too spicy for me. While we’re on the topic, The Anti-Relationship Year could’ve been a bitContinue reading “Book Review: The Anti-Relationship Year”

Book Review: The Ones With Gilded Bones

I thought I’d come back to the internet. I’ve been reading a fair amount of great books lately and I was itching to share them with y’all. So let’s take a break from my books for now and talk about The Ones With Gilded Bones by Nathaniel Luscombe. This is a light fantasy novella aboutContinue reading “Book Review: The Ones With Gilded Bones”

Review: Catwoman Soulstealer | A Fun Romp With Villains

Let me preface this with saying that I love Batman and his entire universe, and I have for many years.  The DC Icons books intrigue me as a concept, but that has been it for a while. Then I heard Sarah J Maas was writing Catwoman… that definitely peaked my interest. I enjoyed this book aContinue reading “Review: Catwoman Soulstealer | A Fun Romp With Villains”

Review: Now I Rise | I Bow to Kiersten White’s Greatness

Man, Lada is FIERCE. Never doubt her. I absolutely enjoyed watching her journey in this book, how she changed and what she learned. It was intense and frustrating, and sad sometimes. I was really excited for her at the end of the book though, she was exactly where I had been waiting for her toContinue reading “Review: Now I Rise | I Bow to Kiersten White’s Greatness”

Review: Sea Witch | Two girls. Two boys. One death.

No one in town likes Evie and she blames herself for the death of her friend, Anna. But then one day she meets a girl who looks just like Anna. In order to keep Anna with her though, Evie needs to use magic and magic is forbidden. Honestly, with Sea Witch I think I expected more.Continue reading “Review: Sea Witch | Two girls. Two boys. One death.”

Review: The Cold is in Her Bones | Ouch. That was Tough.

I really wanted to love this book. I tried so hard to love it. Unfortunately, I almost DNF’d it with only 100 pages left to read. The Cold is in Her Bones has a lot going for it. The prologue is intriguing and strong. It’s supposed to be a Medusa retelling. The book is about 280Continue reading “Review: The Cold is in Her Bones | Ouch. That was Tough.”

Review: Dread Nation | Well Worth Your Time

If you want a zombie book but aren’t a huge fan of zombies, give this book a try. I generally don’t give zombies the time of day but this entire premise caught my attention the second I heard about it. The American Civil War has ended. But only because the dead decided they weren’t reallyContinue reading “Review: Dread Nation | Well Worth Your Time”

{Blog Tour} Review: Salt

Salt by Danielle Ellison Published by Entangled Teen Format Reviewed: eARC Publication Date: January 7th, 2014 Genre: YA Urban Fantasy Pages: 266 Reviewed by: Stephanie My Rating: 4 of 5 Stars Amazon/Barnes & Noble/iTunes Penelope is a witch, part of a secret society protecting humans from demon attacks. But when she was a child, aContinue reading “{Blog Tour} Review: Salt”

{Blog Tour} Review: Sanctuary

Hey, guys, today I’m here participating in a blog tour for Sanctuary by Pauline Creeden. It’s our last day so if you’re interested in seeing the rest of the tour, just click on the banner above and it’ll lead you to the schedule. Sanctuary by Pauline Creeden Publication Date: September 27th, 2013 Genre: NA Apocalyptic, Science FictionContinue reading “{Blog Tour} Review: Sanctuary”

Review: Matched | The Society Controls Your Lifespan

Matched by Ally Condie Published by Dutton Juvenile Publication  Format Reviewed: Paperback  Publication Date: November 30th, 2010  Genre: Dystopian  Pages: 369 Reviewed by: Stephanie My Rating: 3 of 5 Stars Buy It Cassia has always trusted the Society to make the right choices for her: what to read, what to watch, what to believe. SoContinue reading “Review: Matched | The Society Controls Your Lifespan”

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