Review: Now I Rise | I Bow to Kiersten White’s Greatness

Man, Lada is FIERCE. Never doubt her. I absolutely enjoyed watching her journey in this book, how she changed and what she learned. It was intense and frustrating, and sad sometimes. I was really excited for her at the end of the book though, she was exactly where I had been waiting for her toContinue reading “Review: Now I Rise | I Bow to Kiersten White’s Greatness”

Review: The Cold is in Her Bones | Ouch. That was Tough.

I really wanted to love this book. I tried so hard to love it. Unfortunately, I almost DNF’d it with only 100 pages left to read. The Cold is in Her Bones has a lot going for it. The prologue is intriguing and strong. It’s supposed to be a Medusa retelling. The book is about 280Continue reading “Review: The Cold is in Her Bones | Ouch. That was Tough.”

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