What I Read Last Month

Its been awhile since I’ve shared what I’ve read with y’all here, although I have been active on instagram so if you follow me there you have some idea of what I’ve been reading. I didn’t read as many books as I wanted last month, but I’m happy with the number. I finished editing forContinue reading “What I Read Last Month”

Goals for the New Year (2021 Edition)

Oh my goodness, I am so glad that 2021 is finally here. 2020 was so long. I have a lot of things planned for 2021 and I can’t wait to share them all with you. I have been busy making plans and (of course) reading. I am nearly two books into my January TBR alreadyContinue reading “Goals for the New Year (2021 Edition)”

TBR for the Make Your Myth Taker Readathon!

I have been wanting to do a readathon all month but I didn’t want to join any mid month and I wasn’t super interested in the ones I could find for May. I recently came across the Make Your Myth Taker Readathon though and I’m excited to participate! You can find all the details forContinue reading “TBR for the Make Your Myth Taker Readathon!”

Books of My Childhood, Books of My Life

A million. books get published in a year and there are TOO MANY for us to consume. Oh, but try we do. Before I started blogging, I read some amazing books. Books that are amazing and that I love to this day. Reviewing them would be ideal but I can’t review every book I’ve everContinue reading “Books of My Childhood, Books of My Life”

Making 2019 the Year of the Backlist

So 2017 and 2018 were terrible reading years for me. I was burnt out and I only read a total of 16 books. Combined. I know, it is very sad. So I’ve been working on getting caught up on some of the book releases I missed in 2017 and 2018. Not to brag or anything butContinue reading “Making 2019 the Year of the Backlist”

2018 Books I Wish I’d Read Last Year

Ah, alas! 2018! The lost year of reading! Okay, okay, it’s not quite that bad. I didn’t do very well reading last year at all though. There were a lot of books that came out that I really wish I’d read last year with the rest of the blogosphere. Never mind all of the booksContinue reading “2018 Books I Wish I’d Read Last Year”

January 2019 Reading Wrap-Up | So Many Books

Welcome to my new monthly reading wrap-up! I had big reading plans for January, and I like to think that I met those. Now, that isn’t to say that I read every book on my TBR because I didn’t. I had been planning on reading Wicked Saints and A Touch of Gold, but that didn’t happen. I didContinue reading “January 2019 Reading Wrap-Up | So Many Books”

January 2019 TBR | On Which I Likely Have Too Many Books

I really, really like making TBR lists and I kind of already have a mental tally going so… why not share it here? I’m probably pushing this list but I’m feeling really good since it’s only the 6th (as of the time of writing) and I’ve finished two books this month. GUYS, MOST OF THEContinue reading “January 2019 TBR | On Which I Likely Have Too Many Books”

So You’re Feeling Burnt Out, Bookblogger?

You’re seriously considering not blogging anymore. But you’re uncertain, right? All of that effort. Years of work. But you still really like reading though and you do like blogging. Maybe you’ve even started a side blog that you don’t take seriously at all. At least, that has been me. First of all, acknowledge that it’sContinue reading “So You’re Feeling Burnt Out, Bookblogger?”

Goals for the New Year | 2019

Ah, new year, new books, new goals! Who doesn’t like making goals? I mean, really? You get to make a list. Check things off. It’s the best. I am constantly making new goals when I find that I have and/or haven’t achieved my old ones. Reflecting on 2018, I am not really satisfied with theContinue reading “Goals for the New Year | 2019”

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