TBR for the Make Your Myth Taker Readathon!

I have been wanting to do a readathon all month but I didn’t want to join any mid month and I wasn’t super interested in the ones I could find for May. I recently came across the Make Your Myth Taker Readathon though and I’m excited to participate! You can find all the details forContinue reading “TBR for the Make Your Myth Taker Readathon!”

I’m Joining the Express Lane Weekend Readathon

I’ve been wanting to join a readathon this month and while browsing the Epic Reads facebook group, I discovered that there is one this very weekend! Imagine my luck! The Express Lane Readathon is hosted/created by Sarah @ Travel Through Fiction. It goes from May 8th-10th and you can read whatever you want during this,Continue reading “I’m Joining the Express Lane Weekend Readathon”

Reading Rush Readathon TBR & Progress

Okay, so I don’t usually do readathons but my TBR fit into the challenges for the Reading Rush Readathon, so I took the plunge. And I am having so much fun! I didn’t know about this readathon until the night before and I joined it on a whim Monday morning when I was home sickContinue reading “Reading Rush Readathon TBR & Progress”

Kane Chronicles Readathon

If you have already read The Kane Chronicles, welcome! If you haven’t, it’s a good thing you’re here! Hop on board! This September I’m hosting a readathon for the entire series! Wow. That is a lot of exclamation points. Now, if you’re worried thinking, I can’t read a series in a month. Don’t worry, it’s only three books.Continue reading “Kane Chronicles Readathon”

Love for Books Read-A-Thon Results

Do you remember my announcement eleven days ago about participating in a read-a-thon? My goal was to finish the last three books on February’s TBR list. Three books in one week while working full time and writing? Yeah, it was hard. It all took me longer than I’d hoped. So what did I end upContinue reading “Love for Books Read-A-Thon Results”

Love for Books Read-A-Thon

Y’all know I’m not really one for read-a-thons, generally because I suck at them. However, I find myself wanting to participate in one and Jesse @ Novel Heartbeat just so happens to be hosting her 2nd annual Love for Books read-a-thon. You all know what that means, right? Yes, I’m going to challenge myself toContinue reading “Love for Books Read-A-Thon”

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