Most Anticipated Books of 2022 So Far

You know me, I’m just going to get right to it. Here’s a list of 2022 book releases I am really looking forward to read thing this year! Some I’ve read, and some I haven’t. If I’ve read them, I’ll leave at least a star rating next to it for y’all. This list is notContinue reading “Most Anticipated Books of 2022 So Far”

My Next Release: Siren Walking Book 3

On June 23rd, you’re welcomed back into the world of the Siren Walking series. Inside the Murderous Sea will be out by the end of this month and it’s kind of unreal that I’ll have my first published trilogy completed. Synopsis: Kaija has lost her beloved Bram, and is out for blood. She will stopContinue reading “My Next Release: Siren Walking Book 3”

Why Every Novelist Should Write Poetry

What is your preferred writing material? Do you prefer writing novels? Short stories? Poems? Plays? As writers, we generally tend to stick with our preferred writing method; however, we must never underestimate the power and importance of testing different writing styles. Just as we switch between tenses and discover hidden secrets, writing in a formatContinue reading “Why Every Novelist Should Write Poetry”

Monday Spotlight: Alison Croggon

I made it! If you’re a new follower, then welcome to my rather-late Monday Spotlight! If you’ve been here a while, then welcome back! This week’s spotlight features Alison Croggon author of The Books of Pellinor series. Born in 1962, Alison Croggon is one of a generation of Australian poets which emerged in the 1990s.Continue reading “Monday Spotlight: Alison Croggon”

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