Sunshine Blogger Award | Fun Questions for Your Everyday Blogger

I was tagged by Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads about a year ago and I just now got a notification from WordPress about it. Ooops! Sorry, Meeghan, I promise I wasn’t ignoring you! So lets go over the rules for this wonderful tag because we could all use some sunshine in our lives. Rules Thank theContinue reading “Sunshine Blogger Award | Fun Questions for Your Everyday Blogger”

June TBR | Return of the Books

Well, I had a very pitiful reading month in May. I read part of Zenith by Sasha Alsberg & Lindsay Cummings, Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them, and In Conclusion, Don’t Worry About It by Lauren Graham. Yeah… nothing went as planned. I forgot about the readathon I was going to do and remembered a few days afterContinue reading “June TBR | Return of the Books”

Review: The Red Fox Clan | Action. Treachery. What More Could I Want?

Okay. I admit it. I was slightly apprehensive about following Maddie’s journey as a Ranger. She is the first female Ranger, which presents some challenges, but nothing that can’t be overcome. I’ve definitely warmed up to her though. I absolutely loved that this book showed us a bit more of what the Ranger Gathering looksContinue reading “Review: The Red Fox Clan | Action. Treachery. What More Could I Want?”

10 Authors I’ve Read From Most

I’m not usually one for memes of any kind but this week’s topic (hosted by The Broke and the Bookish) spotlights author’s from whom I’ve read the most books. Since I know it’s interesting for me to see what authors other people enjoy, I decided to pop in on this one. Now, the image aboveContinue reading “10 Authors I’ve Read From Most”

The Ranger’s Apprentice Prequel

The moment all Ranger’s Apprentice fans have been waiting for has finally arrived. Well, actually, it arrived last week but that’s beside the point… October 6th just got a lot more exciting because Halt and Crowley are back in the amazing prequel series to John Flanagan’s Ranger’s Apprentice books: The Early Years. I am soContinue reading “The Ranger’s Apprentice Prequel”

Chasm of Posts: Tolkien & Tips

It’s time for the sometimes-weekly weekly recap. It’s been a long time and this recap includes more than a week’s worth of info but that just means you have a variety of stuff to pick from, right? This Week’s Book In the Chasm It’s the time of year when we look back and see allContinue reading “Chasm of Posts: Tolkien & Tips”

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I Own The Most Books From

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week I’m sharing the top ten authors I own the most books from. This list includes novellas. 1. John Flanagan -13 books 2. Cassandra Clare -10 novellas 3. Julie Kagawa – 7 books  4. Marissa Meyer – 6 books 5. J.K. Rowling –Continue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I Own The Most Books From”

Ten Characters I’d Want With Me On A Deserted Island

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week I’m sharing the top ten characters I’d want with me on a deserted island. I’ve been dying to write this post and it was more difficult than I thought it’d be. 1. Magnus Bane from The Bane Chronicles – Who wouldn’t want aContinue reading “Ten Characters I’d Want With Me On A Deserted Island”

Chasm of Posts (19)

Welcome to my (hopefully) weekly feature, Chasm of Posts! I’ve been wanting to kind of do a weekly check in with what was on the blog, what to expect, some great things I’ve received or read, and whatever is generally going on; and I’ve finally gotten around to it! What I’m Reading I do haveContinue reading “Chasm of Posts (19)”

The Chasm’s Depths (1)

Hello lovelies! Welcome to The Chasm’s Depths where you get yet another glimpse into mine and Eugenia’s TBR piles. This time though, you get to help us choose a book to read for the month. We’ll each pick three books for you to choose from and whichever books get the most votes will be oneContinue reading “The Chasm’s Depths (1)”

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