Sunshine Blogger Award | Fun Questions for Your Everyday Blogger

I was tagged by Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads about a year ago and I just now got a notification from WordPress about it. Ooops! Sorry, Meeghan, I promise I wasn’t ignoring you! So lets go over the rules for this wonderful tag because we could all use some sunshine in our lives. Rules Thank theContinue reading “Sunshine Blogger Award | Fun Questions for Your Everyday Blogger”

The Lord of the Rings | Comfort in the Cold

With Christmas being right around the corner and the weather getting mighty cold, I am reminded of things that give me comfort and things that I am grateful for. Ranking very high on this list though, is J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings stories. I say stories because I am grateful for themContinue reading “The Lord of the Rings | Comfort in the Cold”

Story, Characters, Plot, Worlds

Two of my favorite series are Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings. Actually. Scratch that. As much as I’ve read and loved some others books/series, these two are unhesitatingly my favorites. They are stories I continue to come back to and read over and over again for different reasons. I’ve had quite aContinue reading “Story, Characters, Plot, Worlds”

The Lord of the Rings: A Story of Sacrifice & Bravery

I am a person who acknowledges that there is great evil in this world. I am a person who realizes that terrible things happen, terrible people exist, and it’s frightening sometimes. I acknowledge that there are terrible tragedies and accidents, and that people make horrific mistakes and decisions. I understand that all. But I amContinue reading “The Lord of the Rings: A Story of Sacrifice & Bravery”

The Great Guilt of the Classics

I read an interesting article a few weeks ago about the culture surrounding classics. To be honest, it really struck a cord in me. The gist of the article was that we shouldn’t be afraid of classics and we shouldn’t feel obligated to read them. This is something we’ve heard more than once but areContinue reading “The Great Guilt of the Classics”

3 Classics to Tackle this Summer

Two weeks ago, I published a list of novels to try this summer; however, I hope y’all will be reading more than just five. There are some great classics out there and while I wouldn’t necessarily suggest you read them all this summer if you don’t want to, I would suggest your pick up oneContinue reading “3 Classics to Tackle this Summer”

The Chasm’s Depths Results and May Edition

You voted and I shall listen. These Broken Stars won April’s voting list by a landslide. You can look forward to that review in May sometime since I probably won’t finish the novel till the end of April. However, this means it’s also time for you to vote between the last two books on myContinue reading “The Chasm’s Depths Results and May Edition”

The Chasm’s Depths (4) April Edition

It’s time to start voting on next month’s TBR pile. Once again, I’ve chosen three books from my 2015 musts pile for y’all to pick from. They also happen to be the last three one my list. These are books that I meant to read last year but didn’t get to. Whatever you choose, I’llContinue reading “The Chasm’s Depths (4) April Edition”

3 Tips to Help You Finish Your Novel

I have a plethora of unfinished novels. I’m pretty sure I’m going to go back and finish most, if not all of them at some point; but I’ve noticed that there’s a distinct difference between the process I followed for the novels I’ve completed, and the ones that remain unfinished. I didn’t always think thisContinue reading “3 Tips to Help You Finish Your Novel”

2014 Releases I Must Read in 2015

There were quite a few novels that released last year that I didn’t get to read because of…things. I keep going over which novels are on that list of must-tos and decided that I’d share them because I’m positive that y’all have a list yourself, even if you don’t realize it. The Kiss of Deception:Continue reading “2014 Releases I Must Read in 2015”

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