The Cookie Book Tag | BUT WHY IS THERE NO CAKE

Who doesn’t love sweets? I mean, seriously. They are DELICIOUS. I love them. Cupcakes got me through finals senior year of high school. (Thanks, Mom!) Anyhow, I don’t usually participate in book tags and no one has actually tagged me in this… But who cares? Alas, this book tag does not include cake. Maybe IContinue reading “The Cookie Book Tag | BUT WHY IS THERE NO CAKE”

Review: Obsidio | *sob* AIDAN *sob*

I did it. I finished this series and it was pretty great. Now, if I was a more patient person, I would have reread books one and two. It has been long enough since I read those first two books that I could have really benefitted from a reread. I think I definitely would haveContinue reading “Review: Obsidio | *sob* AIDAN *sob*”

Reflecting on 2016 and Looking Towards 2017

No matter who you are, I think we can all agree that 2016 (at the very least) was eventful. First though, I want to reflect on the reading bit of it. This year I read less than half of the amount of books I read from 2015, but that’s okay. The Stats I only readContinue reading “Reflecting on 2016 and Looking Towards 2017”

5 Books that Should Be on TV

I’ve been rather disappointed by quite a few recent book-to-screen adaptations. People seem to have a difficult time nailing down the atmosphere of these novels, causing any changes they make to the story line to feel like a betrayal. This doesn’t always have to be the case. As we saw with The Hobbit films, Jackson kept theContinue reading “5 Books that Should Be on TV”

Why You Should Try Audiobooks

I’m always hunting for new audiobooks. I will try just about any audiobook if it has a high probability of containing rockin’ narration. I will browse Audible day after day and look at the same books over and over again until my heart’s content. With this new found love, I wanted to take a momentContinue reading “Why You Should Try Audiobooks”

Review: Illuminae | AIDAN Loves You. Run.

Why I Read a Book I Didn’t Want To I didn’t want to read Illuminae. I wasn’t even interested in it enough to read the synopsis. In fact, I never read the synopsis. Our story began on twitter, when I saw about three-four people talking about the audiobook. They said it was amazing. They wereContinue reading “Review: Illuminae | AIDAN Loves You. Run.”

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