ARC Review: House of Salt and Sorrows | A Clever Twist on a Tale

I have only ever read one other retelling of the 12 Dancing Princesses and I loved it. So I admit that I had very high expectations for this book. I think that overall, this book delivered. The book was perfectly balanced between the light and silliness of little girls and sisters, and the darkness creepingContinue reading “ARC Review: House of Salt and Sorrows | A Clever Twist on a Tale”

Reading Rush Readathon TBR & Progress

Okay, so I don’t usually do readathons but my TBR fit into the challenges for the Reading Rush Readathon, so I took the plunge. And I am having so much fun! I didn’t know about this readathon until the night before and I joined it on a whim Monday morning when I was home sickContinue reading “Reading Rush Readathon TBR & Progress”

January 2019 Book Haul | In Which I Haul All the Books

I don’t post book hauls often but I am really excited about the books I’ve received this month to read! Especially since I decided to request some ARCs! That’s right, your girl will be giving you some reviews ahead of publication to help you figure out if y’all want to pre-order these babies! I justContinue reading “January 2019 Book Haul | In Which I Haul All the Books”

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