Road Trip & Vacation

I’m traveling this week! It’s time for vacation, baby, and I’m trying to choose which paperbacks to bring with me. I shot this video last week but I know I don’t spend a lot of time on youtube so you may have missed it. Here’s a look at what was on the table! Follow

Happy Thanksgiving and General Excitement

It’s that time of year again. Yeah, it’s time for all of the Americans out there to stuff themselves with turkey, mashed potatoes, and pie, along with the other foods of their choice (which vary from home to home). For all of my fellow Americans, Happy Thanksgiving! For everyone else, happy holiday! Yes, I knowContinue reading “Happy Thanksgiving and General Excitement”

Top Ten Characters Who Should Have Their Own Books

It’s been a while but I really wanted to make this week’s list. Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week I’m sharing the top ten secondary characters who deserve to have their own books. 1. Marco from The Dispossessed series by Page Morgan. ALL THE WAY. This needs toContinue reading “Top Ten Characters Who Should Have Their Own Books”

An Open Letter: Don’t Go to the Darkside, their Cookies are Burned

Dear Authors Everywhere, As I explained in this post, the future for book-to-movie adaptations is not bright. Lord of the Rings turned out well, most of the Harry Potter movies were great, and the Twilight and Hunger Games movies have managed to improve, but don’t let that fool you. The flops far outweigh the successes.Continue reading “An Open Letter: Don’t Go to the Darkside, their Cookies are Burned”

Book-to-Move Adaptions: No One Can Be Trusted

At some point, every reader craves to see their favorite novels on screen. With these adaptions comes a lot of expectations and responsibilities. We’ve had the pleasure (and horror) of seeing the good, the bad, and the ugly. We keep saying *insert book here* would be a a great movie, but allow me to add,Continue reading “Book-to-Move Adaptions: No One Can Be Trusted”

Five Settings that Sucked Me In

You know when you read a book and the setting just sucks your heart and soul into the pages, regardless of the characters? Sometimes the setting is the best part and, with these books, a lot of the time the plot and story would truly be nothing without the well-constructed setting. Here’s a list ofContinue reading “Five Settings that Sucked Me In”

Arrangements that Capture the Essence of their Literary Brothers

Some of my favorite instrumental pieces are those that are in someway linked to books. Yup, I’m a book nerd to my very core. Instrumental music is by far my favorite type, so that does help things. Even when I come across a rendition/cover to a book that I haven’t read before, I have toContinue reading “Arrangements that Capture the Essence of their Literary Brothers”

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Movies or TV Shows

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week I’m sharing my top ten movies or TV shows. But I’m actually going to put both a mix of TV shows and movies on this list. As usual, this is no particular order. Downton Abbey   The Dark Knight   Pride &Continue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Movies or TV Shows”

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Classics

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week I’m sharing my top ten classics (could be traditional or books I consider classics for whatever reason). This is one of my favorite classics I’ve ever read. Everyone should read this book. This isn’t really considered a classic but I think itContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Classics”

Stephanie’s Massive June TBR Pile

Okay, this month I get to relax a bit more than in May and I want to read ALL THE BOOKS right now. I also have an ambitious TBR pile that I definitely want to get through this month. Yes, I want to test myself this way. I think the most I’ve read in aContinue reading “Stephanie’s Massive June TBR Pile”

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