Story, Characters, Plot, Worlds

Two of my favorite series are Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings. Actually. Scratch that. As much as I’ve read and loved some others books/series, these two are unhesitatingly my favorites. They are stories I continue to come back to and read over and over again for different reasons. I’ve had quite aContinue reading “Story, Characters, Plot, Worlds”

Is Pity for Gollum Misplaced?

The beginning of The Return of the King is my least favorite part. It’s a little gross and I don’t particularly like watching Smeagol kill his friend. The thought crossed my mind though, why would the Ring have such an immediate and drastic impact on Gollum? The answer is probably rather simple and obvious, but IContinue reading “Is Pity for Gollum Misplaced?”

2014’s Goals: Not as Bad as I Thought

Last December I published a post outlining my blogging goals for 2014. I can safely say that I achieved over half. Therefore, I give you my now annual report of my 2014 blogging goals. Reach 500 Bloglovin’ followers Well, no, as we can all see the side bar shows I’m almost at 300 though whichContinue reading “2014’s Goals: Not as Bad as I Thought”

Welcome to The Lord of the Rings Read-Along

  The time has come. The day is here! Oh, what’s that? You’re barely awake this lovely morning? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.   We good now? Awesome. So as you may have heard in December I’m co-hosting a Lord of the Rings read-along with Pages Unbound! *does happy dance* I’ve been wanting toContinue reading “Welcome to The Lord of the Rings Read-Along”

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