Making 2019 the Year of the Backlist

So 2017 and 2018 were terrible reading years for me. I was burnt out and I only read a total of 16 books. Combined. I know, it is very sad. So I’ve been working on getting caught up on some of the book releases I missed in 2017 and 2018. Not to brag or anything butContinue reading “Making 2019 the Year of the Backlist”

7 Halloween Book Recs

It’s the best time of the year! Halloween! Creepy movies. Creepy TV shows. And, to top it all off, creepy books! This is legit my favorite holiday of the year and I have slowly been working on getting my house ready for it. But I’ve put together a great line-up of Halloween books for you!Continue reading “7 Halloween Book Recs”

Why You Should Try Audiobooks

I’m always hunting for new audiobooks. I will try just about any audiobook if it has a high probability of containing rockin’ narration. I will browse Audible day after day and look at the same books over and over again until my heart’s content. With this new found love, I wanted to take a momentContinue reading “Why You Should Try Audiobooks”

3 Autumn Activities Only Booknerds Understand

It’s a special time of year for booknerds and book lovers of all shapes and sizes. It’s autumn and nothing enlivens the book community more than this: my favorite season of the year. (This is, of course, excluding drama of any kind.) Cool days and colder nights, bookish marathons of epic proportions, these are theContinue reading “3 Autumn Activities Only Booknerds Understand”

#MonsterClassics14: I, Frankenstein Live Tweeting Tonight!

I have a small confession to make, I’ve failed at reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelly this month. When I went to read it, I found out someone else was so yeah, I guess it’ll have to wait for now. However, for those of you who have read it or who are still reading it, whatContinue reading “#MonsterClassics14: I, Frankenstein Live Tweeting Tonight!”

#MonsterClassics14: On to Frankenstein!

We’re now starting on our second read-along book, Frankenstein! If you haven’t already signed up and entered the #MonsterClassics14 giveaways, then you can go ahead and sign up. This will be my second go at Frankenstein and I’m determined to make it all the way through. I must be prepared for A Cold Legacy, evenContinue reading “#MonsterClassics14: On to Frankenstein!”

Work, Reading, Writing – Where’s the Time?

It has been an exceedingly long week. Monday was the first day at my new job and I’m really liking things there. However, I’m carpooling right now so I’m going in early and waking up even earlier. By the time I get home… well, yeah, I’m kind of tired, hence the lack of activity here.Continue reading “Work, Reading, Writing – Where’s the Time?”

Monster Classics Read-Along Sign-up & Giveaways

What type of blogger would I be if I didn’t offer some sort of giveaway during the Monster Classics Read-along this month? I’ve been trying to figure out what in the world to offer and it finally came to me. I’ll be offering two giveaways. Yup. Two. One will be for those actually participating inContinue reading “Monster Classics Read-Along Sign-up & Giveaways”

Dive into October with Monster Classics

I am unbelievably excited for October. I have ALL THE PLANS in store and I’m just so flipping excited for it all. Everyone raise your hands if you like Halloween. I thought as much. I’m a huge fan as well so, naturally, I’ve been thinking about what I should READ in preparation and celebration because,Continue reading “Dive into October with Monster Classics”

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