Weekly TBR | Um… Oops, I Forgot to Read

So as you may have guessed from the title, I did not have the greatest reading week ever. I mean, it wasn’t bad but I didn’t hit my goal of reading 3 books and I totally could have. Looking back, I’m honestly not sure what happened. There were 3 days this week that I didn’tContinue reading “Weekly TBR | Um… Oops, I Forgot to Read”

TBR for the Make Your Myth Taker Readathon!

I have been wanting to do a readathon all month but I didn’t want to join any mid month and I wasn’t super interested in the ones I could find for May. I recently came across the Make Your Myth Taker Readathon though and I’m excited to participate! You can find all the details forContinue reading “TBR for the Make Your Myth Taker Readathon!”

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