Boo! It’s October! – Goals & Review

Ah, one of the best months of the year has finally arrived. October! Halloween! Fall. Pumpkin Pie poptarts! Guys, Halloween is legit my favorite holiday of the entire year and I’m so ready to decorate my house with Halloween lights and window clings. I even have a skull candle and, when you burn it, redContinue reading “Boo! It’s October! – Goals & Review”

September TBR – Bring It On

There’s been a lot of reminiscing lately (on my part) about when I used to read like 5 books in a month, especially since in August I had planned to read three and read almost 2 (aka, it means I read 1 book). For better or for worse, I’m going to try to up myContinue reading “September TBR – Bring It On”

August 2018 TBR Pile

In my goals for August, I mentioned that I wanted to read 3 books this month. Now, while I could be doing better with it, I’m still trying my hardest to meet that goal and I’ve actually already have one book under my belt. *celebrates* All right, so the list for this month. That’s whatContinue reading “August 2018 TBR Pile”

July Wrap Up and August Goals (Because I Did So Well Last Month)

I feel like a lot happened in July, but at the same time I don’t. It’s weird. This July I finally decided that I missed reading and blogging too much to not do it so I am back in the game! And I’m having a lot of fun blogging and visiting everyone’s sites again. I’veContinue reading “July Wrap Up and August Goals (Because I Did So Well Last Month)”

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