7 Books From Your Backlist You Should Read this Year

All right, I’ve been shouting about all of the 2019 books that are coming out or have already come out this year. Now I’m going to tell you what books to read this year. There is no choice in this. Look, we all get behind and our TBRs are all much bigger than we canContinue reading “7 Books From Your Backlist You Should Read this Year”

2015 Novels on My Mind

2015 was an incredibly busy year for me. At the beginning of the year, I decided to only set my Goodreads challenge to 25 books because I didn’t want to stress over reading this year and it worked. I’ve read 41 books in 2015 and although that isn’t as much as a lot of otherContinue reading “2015 Novels on My Mind”

Review: Dark Disciple | The Jedi Council’s Corruption

Up until Dark Disciple, every Star Wars novel I’d read this year hadn’t met certain story line expectations. With every other novel, I’ve been more invested in the Star Wars lore than I was the story lines. While I appreciated the need for such devices, they were never anything to get excited over. Dark DiscipleContinue reading “Review: Dark Disciple | The Jedi Council’s Corruption”

Debut Fantasy Authors Strike 2016

It’s that time of year; 2016 debut authors are starting their marketing spree. The chats are hitting our twitter feeds and the rest of the covers are being revealed. We’ve got an interesting line up and there are four in particular that have caught my eye: Ever the Hunted, Rebel in the Sands, Assassin’s Heart,Continue reading “Debut Fantasy Authors Strike 2016”

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