TBR for the Make Your Myth Taker Readathon!

I have been wanting to do a readathon all month but I didn’t want to join any mid month and I wasn’t super interested in the ones I could find for May. I recently came across the Make Your Myth Taker Readathon though and I’m excited to participate! You can find all the details forContinue reading “TBR for the Make Your Myth Taker Readathon!”

Autumn is Coming: A List of 7 Books You Should Probably Read

You know what my favorite season is? Autumn. There’s Halloween, cool and fresh air, Thanksgiving, pumpkin poptars, pie, and the foliage is gorgeous (depending on where you are). As usual, this is also the part of the year I also look forward to most since it means another Throne of Glass book and another MarissaContinue reading “Autumn is Coming: A List of 7 Books You Should Probably Read”

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