Review: Immunity | Contained but Not Safe

The contagion is contained. For now. But what happens when it falls into the wrong hands? Welcome to Immunity. In this book we get to learn a lot of about the contagion from the view point of hosts who are compatible with it. It was definitely interesting to learn about the contagion from that perspective andContinue reading “Review: Immunity | Contained but Not Safe”

The Cookie Book Tag | BUT WHY IS THERE NO CAKE

Who doesn’t love sweets? I mean, seriously. They are DELICIOUS. I love them. Cupcakes got me through finals senior year of high school. (Thanks, Mom!) Anyhow, I don’t usually participate in book tags and no one has actually tagged me in this… But who cares? Alas, this book tag does not include cake. Maybe IContinue reading “The Cookie Book Tag | BUT WHY IS THERE NO CAKE”

Book Award Nominees | The Edgar Awards 2018

You know, I feel like book awards pass very quietly by in the book world. If any author I don’t know is nominated then I don’t hear about them at all. Personally, I think this should change. So today I’ve decided to share some of the nominees for the Edgar Award. Of course, the fullContinue reading “Book Award Nominees | The Edgar Awards 2018”

Bring Monsters Back Into Books

This is something that has been on my mind a lot lately, especially since I finished reading Contagion. I’ve had some long conversations about it with my husband as well and I just… I need to share this with you. Books with complex characters are awesome. I love seeing the fall of a character into theContinue reading “Bring Monsters Back Into Books”

7 Books From Your Backlist You Should Read this Year

All right, I’ve been shouting about all of the 2019 books that are coming out or have already come out this year. Now I’m going to tell you what books to read this year. There is no choice in this. Look, we all get behind and our TBRs are all much bigger than we canContinue reading “7 Books From Your Backlist You Should Read this Year”

So You’re Feeling Burnt Out, Bookblogger?

You’re seriously considering not blogging anymore. But you’re uncertain, right? All of that effort. Years of work. But you still really like reading though and you do like blogging. Maybe you’ve even started a side blog that you don’t take seriously at all. At least, that has been me. First of all, acknowledge that it’sContinue reading “So You’re Feeling Burnt Out, Bookblogger?”

6 Books to Binge Read On a Rainy Day

The thing about rainy days is that they can be really boring, but they can also be incredibly cozy. And what better to curl up with on a rainy day than the perfect book to binge read? Look, children’s books like The Lightning Thief and Fablehaven are fun, light books and easy to spend away your day immersedContinue reading “6 Books to Binge Read On a Rainy Day”

August 2018 TBR Pile

In my goals for August, I mentioned that I wanted to read 3 books this month. Now, while I could be doing better with it, I’m still trying my hardest to meet that goal and I’ve actually already have one book under my belt. *celebrates* All right, so the list for this month. That’s whatContinue reading “August 2018 TBR Pile”

4 Books I Want as Much as I Do Cake

I’ve had a busy year so I haven’t had a chance to read a lot of books these past 12 months. Naturally, that means I’m behind. There are a few books that I really want to sink my teeth into though. Perhaps y’all have read them already and if you have, definitely let me knowContinue reading “4 Books I Want as Much as I Do Cake”

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