2018 Books I Wish I’d Read Last Year

Ah, alas! 2018! The lost year of reading! Okay, okay, it’s not quite that bad. I didn’t do very well reading last year at all though. There were a lot of books that came out that I really wish I’d read last year with the rest of the blogosphere. Never mind all of the booksContinue reading “2018 Books I Wish I’d Read Last Year”

Review: Dread Nation | Well Worth Your Time

If you want a zombie book but aren’t a huge fan of zombies, give this book a try. I generally don’t give zombies the time of day but this entire premise caught my attention the second I heard about it. The American Civil War has ended. But only because the dead decided they weren’t reallyContinue reading “Review: Dread Nation | Well Worth Your Time”

January 2019 Reading Wrap-Up | So Many Books

Welcome to my new monthly reading wrap-up! I had big reading plans for January, and I like to think that I met those. Now, that isn’t to say that I read every book on my TBR because I didn’t. I had been planning on reading Wicked Saints and A Touch of Gold, but that didn’t happen. I didContinue reading “January 2019 Reading Wrap-Up | So Many Books”

To All the Books I Missed Before | More 2019 Titles

Okay, so when I made my 2019 list earlier I missed some great book releases. I mean, there are some books that I saw afterwards and I was like, “HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT THIS BOOK??” So here we are again, with another 2019 book list. Now, I’m not quite as excited for some ofContinue reading “To All the Books I Missed Before | More 2019 Titles”

2019 Releases I’m Excited About

New year, new books! There is very little chance I will actually get through all of these books this year but I do want to get through them all eventually! I mean, I’ve read 6 books in 2018 and one of those I abandoned so… yeah, I’m being realistic here. I’m not likely to getContinue reading “2019 Releases I’m Excited About”

Boo! It’s October! – Goals & Review

Ah, one of the best months of the year has finally arrived. October! Halloween! Fall. Pumpkin Pie poptarts! Guys, Halloween is legit my favorite holiday of the entire year and I’m so ready to decorate my house with Halloween lights and window clings. I even have a skull candle and, when you burn it, redContinue reading “Boo! It’s October! – Goals & Review”

3 Ways to Go to the Bookstore More Often & Spend Less

Lets face it, the bookstore is one of the most wonderful places in the world. It’s filled with thousands and thousands of words. Magical worlds. Magical people. Villains. Heroes. Superheroes even. There’s a thousand worlds to choose from when you enter a bookstore. Barnes & Noble is one of my happy places. Walking inside makesContinue reading “3 Ways to Go to the Bookstore More Often & Spend Less”

6 Books to Binge Read On a Rainy Day

The thing about rainy days is that they can be really boring, but they can also be incredibly cozy. And what better to curl up with on a rainy day than the perfect book to binge read? Look, children’s books like The Lightning Thief and Fablehaven are fun, light books and easy to spend away your day immersedContinue reading “6 Books to Binge Read On a Rainy Day”

An Ode to Traitors & Tyrants

I started writing, before I knew blogging was a thing that people did. Before I knew anything about being an author or ARCs, or any of it. I was twelve when I started and I was fourteen when I began taking myself seriously. So let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, aboutContinue reading “An Ode to Traitors & Tyrants”

Top 5 Challenges of Being a Full-Time Indie Author | Guest Post

If someone had of told me two years ago that I’d be able to financially support myself by writing novels, I’m not sure I would have believed them. In fact, I may have laughed. And yet… Here I am. A full-time indie author. I’d be lying if I said it’s not the dream. It absolutelyContinue reading “Top 5 Challenges of Being a Full-Time Indie Author | Guest Post”

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