Sunshine Blogger Award | Fun Questions for Your Everyday Blogger

I was tagged by Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads about a year ago and I just now got a notification from WordPress about it. Ooops! Sorry, Meeghan, I promise I wasn’t ignoring you! So lets go over the rules for this wonderful tag because we could all use some sunshine in our lives. Rules Thank theContinue reading “Sunshine Blogger Award | Fun Questions for Your Everyday Blogger”

Books of My Childhood, Books of My Life

A million. books get published in a year and there are TOO MANY for us to consume. Oh, but try we do. Before I started blogging, I read some amazing books. Books that are amazing and that I love to this day. Reviewing them would be ideal but I can’t review every book I’ve everContinue reading “Books of My Childhood, Books of My Life”

The Cookie Book Tag | BUT WHY IS THERE NO CAKE

Who doesn’t love sweets? I mean, seriously. They are DELICIOUS. I love them. Cupcakes got me through finals senior year of high school. (Thanks, Mom!) Anyhow, I don’t usually participate in book tags and no one has actually tagged me in this… But who cares? Alas, this book tag does not include cake. Maybe IContinue reading “The Cookie Book Tag | BUT WHY IS THERE NO CAKE”

Interview with C.G. Drews | Author of A Thousand Perfect Notes

I am very excited to share an interview with author C.G. Drews with y’all today! If you follow her online, then you may know her as Paperfury! Of course, if you follow her you also know that she published a book last year! If you don’t follow her, then allow me to introduce you! CaitContinue reading “Interview with C.G. Drews | Author of A Thousand Perfect Notes”

The Chasm’s 6th Book Blogging Anniversary

6 years ago today, I started this little blog and look how far its come! I’ve gone through 5 blog designs during that time and I like to think they’ve all gotten progressively better. I can’t find a screen shot of the original design I had so here are the past three designs. For someContinue reading “The Chasm’s 6th Book Blogging Anniversary”

Review: The Red Fox Clan | Action. Treachery. What More Could I Want?

Okay. I admit it. I was slightly apprehensive about following Maddie’s journey as a Ranger. She is the first female Ranger, which presents some challenges, but nothing that can’t be overcome. I’ve definitely warmed up to her though. I absolutely loved that this book showed us a bit more of what the Ranger Gathering looksContinue reading “Review: The Red Fox Clan | Action. Treachery. What More Could I Want?”

Making 2019 the Year of the Backlist

So 2017 and 2018 were terrible reading years for me. I was burnt out and I only read a total of 16 books. Combined. I know, it is very sad. So I’ve been working on getting caught up on some of the book releases I missed in 2017 and 2018. Not to brag or anything butContinue reading “Making 2019 the Year of the Backlist”

Review: Sea Witch | Two girls. Two boys. One death.

No one in town likes Evie and she blames herself for the death of her friend, Anna. But then one day she meets a girl who looks just like Anna. In order to keep Anna with her though, Evie needs to use magic and magic is forbidden. Honestly, with Sea Witch I think I expected more.Continue reading “Review: Sea Witch | Two girls. Two boys. One death.”

Review: The Cold is in Her Bones | Ouch. That was Tough.

I really wanted to love this book. I tried so hard to love it. Unfortunately, I almost DNF’d it with only 100 pages left to read. The Cold is in Her Bones has a lot going for it. The prologue is intriguing and strong. It’s supposed to be a Medusa retelling. The book is about 280Continue reading “Review: The Cold is in Her Bones | Ouch. That was Tough.”

7 Books From Your Backlist You Should Read this Year

All right, I’ve been shouting about all of the 2019 books that are coming out or have already come out this year. Now I’m going to tell you what books to read this year. There is no choice in this. Look, we all get behind and our TBRs are all much bigger than we canContinue reading “7 Books From Your Backlist You Should Read this Year”

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