Would You Rather Bookish Edition | Book Tag

So I don’t know who actually created this tag and/or the questions in it, but I found this over at Of Wonderland. I don’t typically do book tags but this one looked both difficult and really fun so here we are. I’m not really sure how else to intro this post so without further ado…Continue reading “Would You Rather Bookish Edition | Book Tag”

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award: In Which I Answer the Most Difficult Questions Known to Man

I don’t usually do this type of thing but the lovely Eugenia @ Genie in a Book nominated me for this award. The Rules Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site. Put the award logo on your blog. Answer the ten questions they have sent you. Make up ten new questionsContinue reading “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award: In Which I Answer the Most Difficult Questions Known to Man”

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