Making 2019 the Year of the Backlist

So 2017 and 2018 were terrible reading years for me. I was burnt out and I only read a total of 16 books. Combined. I know, it is very sad. So I’ve been working on getting caught up on some of the book releases I missed in 2017 and 2018. Not to brag or anything butContinue reading “Making 2019 the Year of the Backlist”

On My Playlist, In My Hands, *Chomp Chomp Chomp*

I have decided that I am going to share what I’m currently reading and/or listening to here on the blog. The dream is that this will help keep me on task and consuming some books. If you read my last post, then you know I’ve been stuck in a huge reading slump. In case anyone forgotContinue reading “On My Playlist, In My Hands, *Chomp Chomp Chomp*”

5 Books that Should Be on TV

I’ve been rather disappointed by quite a few recent book-to-screen adaptations. People seem to have a difficult time nailing down the atmosphere of these novels, causing any changes they make to the story line to feel like a betrayal. This doesn’t always have to be the case. As we saw with The Hobbit films, Jackson kept theContinue reading “5 Books that Should Be on TV”

Why You Should Try Audiobooks

I’m always hunting for new audiobooks. I will try just about any audiobook if it has a high probability of containing rockin’ narration. I will browse Audible day after day and look at the same books over and over again until my heart’s content. With this new found love, I wanted to take a momentContinue reading “Why You Should Try Audiobooks”

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