Would You Rather Bookish Edition | Book Tag

So I don’t know who actually created this tag and/or the questions in it, but I found this over at Of Wonderland. I don’t typically do book tags but this one looked both difficult and really fun so here we are. I’m not really sure how else to intro this post so without further ado…Continue reading “Would You Rather Bookish Edition | Book Tag”

Review: Now I Rise | I Bow to Kiersten White’s Greatness

Man, Lada is FIERCE. Never doubt her. I absolutely enjoyed watching her journey in this book, how she changed and what she learned. It was intense and frustrating, and sad sometimes. I was really excited for her at the end of the book though, she was exactly where I had been waiting for her toContinue reading “Review: Now I Rise | I Bow to Kiersten White’s Greatness”

7 Books From Your Backlist You Should Read this Year

All right, I’ve been shouting about all of the 2019 books that are coming out or have already come out this year. Now I’m going to tell you what books to read this year. There is no choice in this. Look, we all get behind and our TBRs are all much bigger than we canContinue reading “7 Books From Your Backlist You Should Read this Year”

7 Halloween Book Recs

It’s the best time of the year! Halloween! Creepy movies. Creepy TV shows. And, to top it all off, creepy books! This is legit my favorite holiday of the year and I have slowly been working on getting my house ready for it. But I’ve put together a great line-up of Halloween books for you!Continue reading “7 Halloween Book Recs”

Boo! It’s October! – Goals & Review

Ah, one of the best months of the year has finally arrived. October! Halloween! Fall. Pumpkin Pie poptarts! Guys, Halloween is legit my favorite holiday of the entire year and I’m so ready to decorate my house with Halloween lights and window clings. I even have a skull candle and, when you burn it, redContinue reading “Boo! It’s October! – Goals & Review”

Mid-September Writing & Reading Update

September is halfway over and I am pretty darn happy with the progress I have made/am making so far. Thus far, I have finished 2 books and I am working on my third. I have made some changes to my TBR list for this month though. I’ve pretty much dropped The Red Pyramid from itContinue reading “Mid-September Writing & Reading Update”

September TBR – Bring It On

There’s been a lot of reminiscing lately (on my part) about when I used to read like 5 books in a month, especially since in August I had planned to read three and read almost 2 (aka, it means I read 1 book). For better or for worse, I’m going to try to up myContinue reading “September TBR – Bring It On”

Giveaway & Epic Praise for AND I DARKEN

I was pretty inactive in June and by pretty inactive I mean, totally and completely. I thought about blogging but didn’t end up doing any of it. However, the last 10 days or so of June were pretty cool, partly because And I Darken by Kiersten White finally came out on June 28th. Unfortunately, I haven’t finishedContinue reading “Giveaway & Epic Praise for AND I DARKEN”

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