8 of the Best Books I Read in 2019

It’s gift time! You know what that means, right? It’s time to break out the book lists (which I really love making by the way). Now this particular list is going to be based off all of the books I read this year, not just the 2019 releases. Gotta love that backlist too. Plus, IContinue reading “8 of the Best Books I Read in 2019”

Interview with C.G. Drews | Author of A Thousand Perfect Notes

I am very excited to share an interview with author C.G. Drews with y’all today! If you follow her online, then you may know her as Paperfury! Of course, if you follow her you also know that she published a book last year! If you don’t follow her, then allow me to introduce you! CaitContinue reading “Interview with C.G. Drews | Author of A Thousand Perfect Notes”

Review: A Thousand Perfect Notes | Beautiful & Devastating

As much as I love fantasy books, it’s always good to take time to cleanse my pallet by reading something else and this is the book to do the job. A Thousand Perfect Notes is all at once beautiful and absolutely devastating. Poor Beck is barely making it through life enduring the domestic abuse heaped uponContinue reading “Review: A Thousand Perfect Notes | Beautiful & Devastating”

7 Books From Your Backlist You Should Read this Year

All right, I’ve been shouting about all of the 2019 books that are coming out or have already come out this year. Now I’m going to tell you what books to read this year. There is no choice in this. Look, we all get behind and our TBRs are all much bigger than we canContinue reading “7 Books From Your Backlist You Should Read this Year”

January 2019 Reading Wrap-Up | So Many Books

Welcome to my new monthly reading wrap-up! I had big reading plans for January, and I like to think that I met those. Now, that isn’t to say that I read every book on my TBR because I didn’t. I had been planning on reading Wicked Saints and A Touch of Gold, but that didn’t happen. I didContinue reading “January 2019 Reading Wrap-Up | So Many Books”

January 2019 TBR | On Which I Likely Have Too Many Books

I really, really like making TBR lists and I kind of already have a mental tally going so… why not share it here? I’m probably pushing this list but I’m feeling really good since it’s only the 6th (as of the time of writing) and I’ve finished two books this month. GUYS, MOST OF THEContinue reading “January 2019 TBR | On Which I Likely Have Too Many Books”

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