Review Policy & Collaborations

Chasm of Books is now open to review requests. This page will be updated as soon as this changes.

With that said, Chasm of Books is always open to promoting via guest posts and giveaways. Be aware that only high quality articles that fit with the goals and objectives of this site will be accepted. Articles that do not meet all standards may be rejected or requested to be resubmitted after any necessary revisions. Only original articles that have not and will not appear elsewhere will be accepted. If your piece is accepted, you are agreeing that Chasm of Books is and will be the only place the offered content will appear unless another agreement is reached.

As always, it is expected that those submitting any inquiries should have done appropriate research beforehand. This includes actually visiting the blog to get a sense of its content and what has been written there.


You are welcome to contact me via email regarding review requests, giveaways, blog tours, interviews, and guest posting opportunities. I am open to writing articles that are either featured here or elsewhere. Please take into account that Chasm of Books is primarily a fantasy and science fiction blog dealing with mostly YA titles, and that all requests should be made with that in mind.


Please make sure you review the blog before you send any review requests to make sure your book is a good fit. You are also welcome to contact me with other ideas you’d like me to collaborate with. Please make sure you read the entirety of this page prior to sending an email.

Bloggers, etc.

Feel free to contact me at any time with any collaborations you may have in mind (read-a-thons, rereads, events, interviews, etc.). You are also welcome to contact me regarding guest posts. If you would like me to guest post for you, please provide as much up front information about the opportunity as possible.

If you are interested in having an article featured here, please note the second paragraph of this page. Only high quality articles that fit the goals and objectives of this site will be accepted. If you think it’s something that I may be interested in featuring then go ahead and shoot me an email.

Contact: chasmofbooks(at)gmail(dot)com

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