This Month as a Writer | June

I’ve been busy writing this month. Whether it was drafting a new book, editing, or blog posts, my fingers were a clacking on this keyboard with more regularity than I typically have. I’m not going to lie: this was no easy feat, so I wanted to go over all of my accomplishments for the month.Continue reading “This Month as a Writer | June”

Well of Terror’s Release + An Update for Traitors & Tyrants

It has been a busy month. I’ve finished polishing Well of Terror and released it to the world on October 19th. I somehow managed to read five books last month (plus Well of Terror) and I’m plugging away reading a couple of books right now. I finished one of the last rounds of edits onContinue reading “Well of Terror’s Release + An Update for Traitors & Tyrants”

Sci-fi Cover Reveal: Well of Terror

The time has finally come to reveal the cover for my upcoming sci-fi novella, Well of Terror (formally known as Ambush Rendered)! It has been difficult holding on to this secret for the last week but I made it! Synopsis: Years after losing her own ship, Krin finds herself in the captain’s seat aboard The Megara –Continue reading “Sci-fi Cover Reveal: Well of Terror”

My First Book Release! Everything is Okay

The day has finally come! The last month has felt like forever but also like it has flown by as well. I’m happy to say that everything got done though and my first book, Everything is Okay, is finally available for all to read! You can read either a print or ebook copy and orderContinue reading “My First Book Release! Everything is Okay”

Cover Reveal: Beneath the Violent Sea

More good news! For all of you fantasy lovers out there who love a touch of monster mythology, I have a second poetry collection, Beneath the Violent Sea, coming out on May 25th, 2021! The cover just came in today and I love the colors on it! I am just too excited to sit onContinue reading “Cover Reveal: Beneath the Violent Sea”

Welcome to the New Site & Reading Update

For the final time, I have moved platforms. Due to financials, I have moved away from my self-hosted site and am now here on the free WordPress platform. I really loved having the chance to have a self-hosted blog but, alas, sometimes good things must come to an end. With that said, I am stillContinue reading “Welcome to the New Site & Reading Update”

ARC Review: The Lost City | Why Did I Do This?

Nestled along the bluffs of the forested coast lays the secret kingdom of the Omte—a realm filled with wonder…and as many secrets.  Ulla Tulin was left abandoned in an isolated Kanin city as a baby, taken in by strangers and raised hidden away like many of the trolls of mixed blood. Even knowing this truth,Continue reading “ARC Review: The Lost City | Why Did I Do This?”

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