Release Day Thoughts | I completed a series

Wow. The day is finally here. The Siren Walking series is finally complete. My first published trilogy. I have to qualify this as my first published trilogy because I did write a YA dystopian trilogy back in the day, but it’s going to be a while before any of that sees the light of day.Continue reading “Release Day Thoughts | I completed a series”

Traitors & Tyrants Update

I have been terrible at updating y’all here. I’ve talked about this book off and on enough that I really should be better about it. I’ve missed updating you guys on everything here! Traitors & Tyrants successfully released on December 6th, 2021. I am so relieved to have this book out in the world now!Continue reading “Traitors & Tyrants Update”

My Next Release: Siren Walking Book 3

On June 23rd, you’re welcomed back into the world of the Siren Walking series. Inside the Murderous Sea will be out by the end of this month and it’s kind of unreal that I’ll have my first published trilogy completed. Synopsis: Kaija has lost her beloved Bram, and is out for blood. She will stopContinue reading “My Next Release: Siren Walking Book 3”

Short Story + Traitors & Tyrants

It has been a pretty big week. I started and DNFd a book 😢, I wrote a short story, and Kindle Vella launched. What is Kindle Vella you say? In short, Kindle Vella is Amazon’s answer to other serial platforms. What does this mean for you right now? It means you get early access toContinue reading “Short Story + Traitors & Tyrants”

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