October Plans

Happy October! It’s one of my favorite months of the year! I love autumn and watching Halloween movies (nothing too crazy though). Lately I’ve been watching some crime documentaries. I just finished watching The Innocent Man and it was crazy and super interesting. As far as reading goes, I’ve been in a weird funk for theContinue reading “October Plans”

Reading Rush Readathon TBR & Progress

Okay, so I don’t usually do readathons but my TBR fit into the challenges for the Reading Rush Readathon, so I took the plunge. And I am having so much fun! I didn’t know about this readathon until the night before and I joined it on a whim Monday morning when I was home sickContinue reading “Reading Rush Readathon TBR & Progress”

Building a Forest… On my Phone? Lets Read More Books!

A few days ago I read a post by Beth @ BooksNest in which she talks about how how smartphones are distracting us from reading. I wholeheartedly agree with her. I know that there are times I sit in bed on my iPhone playing some mindless game or scrolling through instagram for the 1000th time insteadContinue reading “Building a Forest… On my Phone? Lets Read More Books!”

June TBR | Return of the Books

Well, I had a very pitiful reading month in May. I read part of Zenith by Sasha Alsberg & Lindsay Cummings, Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them, and In Conclusion, Don’t Worry About It by Lauren Graham. Yeah… nothing went as planned. I forgot about the readathon I was going to do and remembered a few days afterContinue reading “June TBR | Return of the Books”

May TBR | We Just Gonna Be Chill Here & Readathon!

I realize from the title of this post that my reading plans for the month are not likely to make much sense, but I WILL EXPLAIN. I typically try to just read a certain type of book. This is for very good reasons such as, I know that I love fantasy so I generally lookContinue reading “May TBR | We Just Gonna Be Chill Here & Readathon!”

April Reading Wrap Up | WHO AM I?

So I didn’t actually read most of the books on my April TBR list last month but I did have a pretty awesome reading month! I plowed through a couple of books the last few days of April and I’ve been reading different kinds of books which has been fun. I’ve honestly just been burntContinue reading “April Reading Wrap Up | WHO AM I?”

Would You Rather Bookish Edition | Book Tag

So I don’t know who actually created this tag and/or the questions in it, but I found this over at Of Wonderland. I don’t typically do book tags but this one looked both difficult and really fun so here we are. I’m not really sure how else to intro this post so without further ado…Continue reading “Would You Rather Bookish Edition | Book Tag”

Books of My Childhood, Books of My Life

A million. books get published in a year and there are TOO MANY for us to consume. Oh, but try we do. Before I started blogging, I read some amazing books. Books that are amazing and that I love to this day. Reviewing them would be ideal but I can’t review every book I’ve everContinue reading “Books of My Childhood, Books of My Life”

The Cookie Book Tag | BUT WHY IS THERE NO CAKE

Who doesn’t love sweets? I mean, seriously. They are DELICIOUS. I love them. Cupcakes got me through finals senior year of high school. (Thanks, Mom!) Anyhow, I don’t usually participate in book tags and no one has actually tagged me in this… But who cares? Alas, this book tag does not include cake. Maybe IContinue reading “The Cookie Book Tag | BUT WHY IS THERE NO CAKE”

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