5 Books I Read Last Week | 3 Books for This Week

Last week’s TBR experiment was a success! I read a grand total of 5 books last week. Yes, FIVE! I am so excited that it was such a success, which means that I’m doing it again this week. Once again, I’m choosing three books for my TBR this week but first, what did I endContinue reading “5 Books I Read Last Week | 3 Books for This Week”

May Reading Plans | Hello, Weekly TBRs

I haven’t really made a lot of reading plans during 2020, but I am definitely back into the swing of things with my reading! I finished reading 3 books during the first full week of May and it feels amazing. Since then I’ve decided that I want to try and read 3 books a week.Continue reading “May Reading Plans | Hello, Weekly TBRs”

I’m Joining the Express Lane Weekend Readathon

I’ve been wanting to join a readathon this month and while browsing the Epic Reads facebook group, I discovered that there is one this very weekend! Imagine my luck! The Express Lane Readathon is hosted/created by Sarah @ Travel Through Fiction. It goes from May 8th-10th and you can read whatever you want during this,Continue reading “I’m Joining the Express Lane Weekend Readathon”

Sunshine Blogger Award | Fun Questions for Your Everyday Blogger

I was tagged by Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads about a year ago and I just now got a notification from WordPress about it. Ooops! Sorry, Meeghan, I promise I wasn’t ignoring you! So lets go over the rules for this wonderful tag because we could all use some sunshine in our lives. Rules Thank theContinue reading “Sunshine Blogger Award | Fun Questions for Your Everyday Blogger”

4 Thick Books I Want to Read This Year

In yesterday’s post I mentioned my intention to forget about how fast I can read a book and just enjoy the process again. With this new focus, I decided to collect a list of larger books that I have been putting off (for no good reason). I used to absolutely love reading a nice thickContinue reading “4 Thick Books I Want to Read This Year”

7 Years of Blogging – Lets Enjoy Reading

Part of me wants to say that I can’t believe that I have been blogging for the past 7 years. The bigger part of me feels like I have been doing this for forever. In the last 7 years I’ve had multiple redesigns and I’ve tried tons of new things. It has been fun andContinue reading “7 Years of Blogging – Lets Enjoy Reading”

Choosing a Book for Baby’s Bedtime Routine

In case you’ve missed it, I’m having a baby this summer. I’m nearly half way through my pregnancy and the baby can now hear sounds outside the womb. Naturally, I’ve been reading up a lot on babies. Two of my favorite people to follow are Dr. Sterling OBGYN and Cara @ Taking Cara Babies. OneContinue reading “Choosing a Book for Baby’s Bedtime Routine”

I Know I’m Late but… I’m Back to Reading in March

Ah, so it’s 2020. We made it. It’s so weird to think that. I mean, I’m not saying I thought the world was going to end, but 2020 always seemed to be this far off place and time. Not anymore I suppose. I would like to say that while I’ve been MIA for the lastContinue reading “I Know I’m Late but… I’m Back to Reading in March”

Blog Tour: Foul is Fair – Excerpt

Good morning everyone! Today I am excited to share an excerpt of Foul is Fair with you, written by author Hannah Capin. It has been a long time since I’ve been able to share an excerpt with y’all and I really enjoy getting the chance to share an inside look of books with you! ButContinue reading “Blog Tour: Foul is Fair – Excerpt”

8 of the Best Books I Read in 2019

It’s gift time! You know what that means, right? It’s time to break out the book lists (which I really love making by the way). Now this particular list is going to be based off all of the books I read this year, not just the 2019 releases. Gotta love that backlist too. Plus, IContinue reading “8 of the Best Books I Read in 2019”

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