Cover Reveal: Death’s Awakening

Today I have an awesome cover “reveal” (it was actually officially revealed a few weeks ago) for Sarra Cannon’s newest novel, Death’s Awakening, which is supposed to be out sometime this year, possibly by the end of this month. But there isn’t an official release date. And here it is!     For sixteen-year-old Parrish Sorrows,Continue reading “Cover Reveal: Death’s Awakening”

Review: Witch & Wizard

Witch & Wizard by James Patterson Published by Little Brown and CompanyFormat Reviewed: Hardcover Publication Date: December 14th, 2009  Genre: Urban Fantasy Pages: 320 Reviewed by: Stephanie My Rating: 3 of 5 stars Buy It  The world is changing: the government has seized control of every aspect of society, and now, kids are disappearing. For 15-year-old Wisty and her older brother Whit, life turns upsideContinue reading “Review: Witch & Wizard”

Waiting on Wednesday: The Royal Ranger

Welcome to my first week of participating in the meme, Waiting on Wednesday hosted by Breaking the Spine, in which I will be featuring a book I am dying to read but that hasn’t been released yet. (My own graphic for this meme in association with my blog is in the works.) This book doesn’t have a summaryContinue reading “Waiting on Wednesday: The Royal Ranger”

Review: Pillage

Pillage by Obert Skye Published by Shadow Mountain Format Reviewed: Hardcover Publication Date: July 1st, 2008 Genre: YA Urban Fantasy Pages: 312 Reviewed by: Stephanie My Rating: 4 of 5 Stars Buy It Upon his mother’s death, fifteen-year-old Beck Phillips is sent to live with an eccentric uncle he had never met in a remoteContinue reading “Review: Pillage”

Monday Spotlight: Marissa Meyer

Welcome to the Monday Spotlight, during which I talk/gush about some of my favorite authors. To start us off, I’ve chosen the lovely Marissa Meyer. I live in Tacoma, Washington, with my fiancé and our two cats. In addition to my slight obsession with books and writing, I’m big on road-tripping, wine-tasting, and hunting forContinue reading “Monday Spotlight: Marissa Meyer”

Review: Rise of the Darklings | Light and Perfect for Children

Rise of the Darklings by Paul Crilley Published by Egmont USA Format Reviewed: Hardcover Publication Date: September 28th, 2010 Genre: MG Urban Fantasy Pages: 352 Reviewed by: Stephanie My Rating: 3 of 5 Stars Buy It Emily Snow is twelve years old, supporting herself and her younger brother on the streets of Victorian England byContinue reading “Review: Rise of the Darklings | Light and Perfect for Children”

Book Mail, Come Forth

Now is the moment in time that I show you some book mail. Most of these haven’t actually arrived yet but I’m definitely looking forward to them. Let me know what you think! The city of Kersh is a safe haven, but the price of safety is high. Everyone has a genetic Alternate—a twin raisedContinue reading “Book Mail, Come Forth”

Review: Puppet Parade | Now this is Character Development

Puppet Parade by Zeinab Alayan Published by Lulu Format Reviewed: ebook Publication Date: April 18th, 2012 Genre: Fantasy Pages: 464 Reviewed by: Stephanie My Rating: 4 of 5 Stars Buy It The life of a puppet master is never ordinary. Oliver Deere knew this when he ran away from home to take up the tradeContinue reading “Review: Puppet Parade | Now this is Character Development”

Review: Matched | The Society Controls Your Lifespan

Matched by Ally Condie Published by Dutton Juvenile Publication  Format Reviewed: Paperback  Publication Date: November 30th, 2010  Genre: Dystopian  Pages: 369 Reviewed by: Stephanie My Rating: 3 of 5 Stars Buy It Cassia has always trusted the Society to make the right choices for her: what to read, what to watch, what to believe. SoContinue reading “Review: Matched | The Society Controls Your Lifespan”

Welcome to the Chasm

I’ve been writing book reviews for a while now and am finally putting them to good use. They are solely my opinion and I encourage all my readers to make their own decisions on each individual book with the information they have acquired. I am a firm believer that even negative reviews help you discover books you may love; youContinue reading “Welcome to the Chasm”

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