Goals for the New Year (2021 Edition)

Oh my goodness, I am so glad that 2021 is finally here. 2020 was so long. I have a lot of things planned for 2021 and I can’t wait to share them all with you. I have been busy making plans and (of course) reading. I am nearly two books into my January TBR alreadyContinue reading “Goals for the New Year (2021 Edition)”

Welcome to the New Site & Reading Update

For the final time, I have moved platforms. Due to financials, I have moved away from my self-hosted site and am now here on the free WordPress platform. I really loved having the chance to have a self-hosted blog but, alas, sometimes good things must come to an end. With that said, I am stillContinue reading “Welcome to the New Site & Reading Update”

ARC Review: The Lost City | Why Did I Do This?

Nestled along the bluffs of the forested coast lays the secret kingdom of the Omte—a realm filled with wonder…and as many secrets.  Ulla Tulin was left abandoned in an isolated Kanin city as a baby, taken in by strangers and raised hidden away like many of the trolls of mixed blood. Even knowing this truth,Continue reading “ARC Review: The Lost City | Why Did I Do This?”

Blog Tour: Where Dreams Descend – Excerpt

Happy Saturday! I have been looking forward to sharing this excerpt for Where Dreams Descend by Janella Angeles for MONTHS and I am so excited that it is finally time! The synopsis for this book sounds super interesting and the cover is absolutely gorgeous!! I am really looking forward to reading this title myself and theContinue reading “Blog Tour: Where Dreams Descend – Excerpt”

Hi, I’m Still Reading – All the Books I Read in June

It has been a while since I’ve given y’all an update on my reading. I know, that’s terrible. I didn’t end up reading as many books in June as I wanted but I’m still happy with the 8 that I did read. The month’s breakdown is as follows: The Turn of the Key by RuthContinue reading “Hi, I’m Still Reading – All the Books I Read in June”

Blog Tour: The Lost City – Excerpt

Good morning everyone! Once again, I am excited to share an excerpt of The Lost City by Amanda Hocking with you. I really hope y’all enjoy today’s. excerpt! Early Praise for The Lost City: “Hocking’s fast, engaging fantasy will draw in new and seasoned fans of the genre… [She] keeps the surprises coming, [leaving] readers eagerContinue reading “Blog Tour: The Lost City – Excerpt”

Blog Tour: Mayhem – Excerpt

Good morning everyone! Today I am excited to share an excerpt of Mayhem with you, written by author Estelle Laure. I really love sharing excerpts with y’all since it gives you a sneak peek of what to expect with a new book! This book releases on July 14th so don’t be afraid to pre-order it ifContinue reading “Blog Tour: Mayhem – Excerpt”

Weekly TBR | Um… Oops, I Forgot to Read

So as you may have guessed from the title, I did not have the greatest reading week ever. I mean, it wasn’t bad but I didn’t hit my goal of reading 3 books and I totally could have. Looking back, I’m honestly not sure what happened. There were 3 days this week that I didn’tContinue reading “Weekly TBR | Um… Oops, I Forgot to Read”

TBR for the Make Your Myth Taker Readathon!

I have been wanting to do a readathon all month but I didn’t want to join any mid month and I wasn’t super interested in the ones I could find for May. I recently came across the Make Your Myth Taker Readathon though and I’m excited to participate! You can find all the details forContinue reading “TBR for the Make Your Myth Taker Readathon!”

What Happened in April? Quarantine Life Update

I realize that we are half way through May but… you know what? I’m going to recap April regardless because I can. April was quite the month. I had PLANS for April. Did I accomplish any of them? No. No, I did not. April consisted of me adjusting to and getting treatment for depression andContinue reading “What Happened in April? Quarantine Life Update”

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