This Month as a Writer | June

I’ve been busy writing this month. Whether it was drafting a new book, editing, or blog posts, my fingers were a clacking on this keyboard with more regularity than I typically have. I’m not going to lie: this was no easy feat, so I wanted to go over all of my accomplishments for the month.Continue reading “This Month as a Writer | June”

Review: Out of My League

I recently decided that I wanted to try out of the Love in Fenton County series by Sarah Sutton. I’ve followed the author on YouTube for quite a while, and I’d seen her tiktoks about a lot of her books, and I finally took the dive. I don’t read a lot of YA contemporary romance,Continue reading “Review: Out of My League”

Release Day Thoughts | I completed a series

Wow. The day is finally here. The Siren Walking series is finally complete. My first published trilogy. I have to qualify this as my first published trilogy because I did write a YA dystopian trilogy back in the day, but it’s going to be a while before any of that sees the light of day.Continue reading “Release Day Thoughts | I completed a series”

Traitors & Tyrants Update

I have been terrible at updating y’all here. I’ve talked about this book off and on enough that I really should be better about it. I’ve missed updating you guys on everything here! Traitors & Tyrants successfully released on December 6th, 2021. I am so relieved to have this book out in the world now!Continue reading “Traitors & Tyrants Update”

Most Anticipated Books of 2022 So Far

You know me, I’m just going to get right to it. Here’s a list of 2022 book releases I am really looking forward to read thing this year! Some I’ve read, and some I haven’t. If I’ve read them, I’ll leave at least a star rating next to it for y’all. This list is notContinue reading “Most Anticipated Books of 2022 So Far”

My Next Release: Siren Walking Book 3

On June 23rd, you’re welcomed back into the world of the Siren Walking series. Inside the Murderous Sea will be out by the end of this month and it’s kind of unreal that I’ll have my first published trilogy completed. Synopsis: Kaija has lost her beloved Bram, and is out for blood. She will stopContinue reading “My Next Release: Siren Walking Book 3”

Book Review: The Anti-Relationship Year

This is the second book I’ve read this month and I really enjoyed it. Katie Wismer is a great writer and I’ve loved all of her poetry books. I also read her book The Marionettes, but it was much too spicy for me. While we’re on the topic, The Anti-Relationship Year could’ve been a bitContinue reading “Book Review: The Anti-Relationship Year”

Book Review: The Ones With Gilded Bones

I thought I’d come back to the internet. I’ve been reading a fair amount of great books lately and I was itching to share them with y’all. So let’s take a break from my books for now and talk about The Ones With Gilded Bones by Nathaniel Luscombe. This is a light fantasy novella aboutContinue reading “Book Review: The Ones With Gilded Bones”

Well of Terror’s Release + An Update for Traitors & Tyrants

It has been a busy month. I’ve finished polishing Well of Terror and released it to the world on October 19th. I somehow managed to read five books last month (plus Well of Terror) and I’m plugging away reading a couple of books right now. I finished one of the last rounds of edits onContinue reading “Well of Terror’s Release + An Update for Traitors & Tyrants”

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