This Month as a Writer | June

I’ve been busy writing this month. Whether it was drafting a new book, editing, or blog posts, my fingers were a clacking on this keyboard with more regularity than I typically have. I’m not going to lie: this was no easy feat, so I wanted to go over all of my accomplishments for the month.

The obvious

I put the finishing touches on Inside the Murderous Sea, which means I completed my first published trilogy. (If you haven’t started or need to continue the series, you can get it here.) Luckily, there wasn’t a ton of work left for this book, but it was on my list nonetheless.

Editing hell…

I successfully completed revisions for Risk the Void (The Denrow System #2) and sent it to my developmental editor. I should be hearing back from him soon and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that there isn’t too much wrong with it! Getting this book edited wasn’t as hard as I told myself it would be, but making myself sit down to edit definitely was.

We are about half way through this process now, and that makes me so happy. If you haven’t tried Well of Terror, then feel free to give it a go.

While we’re talking about Risk the Void, I’ll be revealing the cover in July, so sit tight for that! If you are interested in reviewing it then you can fill out this form! I don’t care how many followers you have, so don’t be shy. If you are interested in reviewing Risk the Void, but haven’t read the first book, don’t worry. That’s one of the questions on the form.

Drafting is joy

I’ve also been drafting the sequel to Traitors & Tyrants all month. My goal was to hit 35K before the month was over and unfortunately I didn’t hit that, but I have loved writing this story. My goal is to complete it next month during Camp NaNoWriMo. I can’t wait for it to be finished so I can share it with y’all!

Tell me what you accomplished this month! What did you do?

Published by Stephanie

20 something college student who wants to travel and has no idea what they're doing with their life.

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