Autumn Plans: Life & Bookish

My favorite season of the year is finally here? Have I already said that here this year? If I have, my sincerest apologies. It still remains true.

In between editing, proofing, and deciding what to write next, I have been making plans for October. One of these plans were recently delayed, due to the weather though. First on our list for October, is to go to a pumpkin patch, which also has a corn maze as well. We were going to go last week, but it was raining and wet so hopefully the weather holds this weekend and we’re able to go.

Our plan is to paint pumpkins instead of carve them, mostly because we don’t want to deal with the mess this year.

Of course, I’m planning on baking some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and would also like to fit in some pumpkin bread as well. All of the pumpkin things please! I recently found some pumpkin spice flavored hot cocoa and I am LIVING for it!

All of our interior decorations are up and looking great. I have a mix of general fall/harvest decor and some exclusively Halloween decorations. It all looks great and I LOVE it. This is one of my favorite seasons to decorate for!


As far as writing goes, I’ve been back and forth between which project I want to write next. I have for sure landed on writing the sequel to Traitors & Tyrants for NaNoWriMo, but with Well of Terror releasing on October 19th, I don’t really have a project that I’m actively writing at the moment.

However, I’ve recently been drawn to a very autumn vibe, alien home invasion story and am throwing around the idea of drafting it this month prior to NaNoWriMo. Will it happen? Maybe. I may only have a partial draft of it when November rolls around, which makes me kind of cringe but I know it’s probably not realistic for me to draft a 50K-70K word novel in two weeks. Right? Right?

Someone tell me that’s right, please, because I’m so close to fooling myself into believing that I can do that even though I’ve never written that many words in so short a time before. Part of the appeal to me is that there’s no strings attached to the story and it also really fits the season’s vibes too.

What I really need to focus on is implementing beta reader feedback for Traitors & Tyrants. I’m half way through and it’s kind of ridiculous that it’s not done yet. Don’t come for me.


In between writing and baking/cleaning/changing dirty diapers/feeding people, I have been doing a bit of reading. I recently decided to start Reaper of Souls by Rena Barron and it is AMAZING and I’m only 20 pages in. I absolutely loved Kingdom of Souls and have waited far too long to dig into this sequel.

I have some other spooky books I definitely want to get to this month, but we’re just taking this one book at a time right now.

Published by Stephanie

20 something college student who wants to travel and has no idea what they're doing with their life.

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