Short Story + Traitors & Tyrants

It has been a pretty big week. I started and DNFd a book 😢, I wrote a short story, and Kindle Vella launched.

What is Kindle Vella you say?

In short, Kindle Vella is Amazon’s answer to other serial platforms. What does this mean for you right now? It means you get early access to my book, Traitors & Tyrants, prior to its ebook and paperback release. You can read the first three chapters of the book for free and Amazon is currently giving away 200 free tokens for you to use to purchase other chapters.

Now, since the platform is really new Amazon is obviously working out some kinks and unfortunately doesn’t have it available everywhere. So details: Kindle Vella can be access in the Kindle app for IOS users but not for Android users (boo); however, you can access it in the browser and I think that the interface in the browser isn’t too bad.

More details: it is my understanding that Kindle Vella is currently only available to readers in the USA. They are currently conducting a soft launch, so they haven’t said too much about the new platform yet.

Hopefully these things will all change soon and I will share any updates or new information that I learn here with you.

As for the short story…

Exiled is a prequel short story to Traitors & Tyrants and is spoiler free so you can read to your heart’s content. If you want to read Exiled, you can subscribe to my newsletter here and it’ll be sent right to you!

Synopsis: Torn from his bed in the middle of the night, Julius finds himself trapped in the demon realm, exiled by his own father.

In other news, Ambush Rendered is currently with the editor and I am trying to figure out what I should work on while I’m waiting. I’m mostly taking this week pretty chill because once the novella comes back it’ll be full steam ahead.

Perhaps I’ll work on a serial for Kindle Vella. What do you guys think? If you could choose, would you rather I work on a serial or a novel?

Published by Stephanie

20 something college student who wants to travel and has no idea what they're doing with their life.

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