July 2021 Camp NaNoWriMo Plans

Here we are once again, another NaNoWriMo event, another writing project, more books. What could be better than books though? Not very many things, that’s for sure. So what am I doing this month?

Let me tell you…

I am working on two different projects this month, and only one of them is my official camp project. Unfortunately, my non-camp project has priority. I am furiously working on revisions for Ambush Rendered so I can start my next project. Due to my mental health and other things, I have fallen a bit behind with the novella, but I’m confident as long as I stick to my stict scheduling I can get it into shape and ready for y’all to read this September/October.

I started revisions on the novella on June 29th and made it about half way through as of July 1st. I’ll take that progress. It really helps that it’s only about 21,000 words. 😂 My goal is to have it completed by July 6th so it can go to the developmental editor, which is nerve-racking and exciting all at once.

Note: If you would like to be a beta or ARC reader for my sci-fi novella, shoot me an email at authorstephaniedunham@gmail(dot)com and reference this blogpost.

My camp project has a working title of What Lies Beneath and is a companion novel to the Siren Walking poetry collections (Beneath the Violent Sea and Above the Restless Sea).

My goal here is to write half of the novel this month and the other half in August, so I need just 25,000 words to reach my camp goal. I feel like that’s pretty reasonable. I wrote a bit of it before camp began but I haven’t worked on it yet since Ambush Rendered has priority.

Let me know in the comments what you’re working on this July, writing related or not!

Published by Stephanie

20 something college student who wants to travel and has no idea what they're doing with their life.

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