I Have Two Books Out

It has been a busy year so far and I’ve been taking a bit of a break the last few weeks. On May 25th, my second book of poetry came out. I really loved writing Beneath the Violent Sea and I hope that you all enjoy it as well.

This book has been done for so long it feels weird that it is only now just coming out. In all reality, this book has been available to the public for less than 10 days. If you’re a reviewer, you can also request a review copy of it on Netgalley.

I have recently completed the sequel and it is also available for pre-order. Say hello to Above the Restless Sea.

It is so surreal to see a series page for my books on Amazon. It’s so crazy and in a lot of ways it doesn’t feel real, yet it also feels like a simple fact. I have two books out. By the end of this month, I will have a third book. By the end of 2021, I will have at least 4 books out. By December I will have written at least 5 books this year.

That blows my mind. When I say it like that, all I can think is “wow, that’s a lot of books.” But with most of these books already finished, it somehow doesn’t feel like enough. Weird, right? I just can’t write fast enough.

However, I know my limits. I am coming to accept that I am a burst writer. So after finishing these last 5 projects, I have needed a few weeks to recuperate mentally. A lot has gone into making these last 3 books available, and I’m not even done with all of the technical parts for Above the Restless Sea yet.

With that said, I am going to be diving into edits for my September release, Ambush Rendered this month and I’m looking forward to finishing yet another project for y’all. I hope that you guys are enjoying watching this journey as much as I am sharing it with you.

Published by Stephanie

20 something college student who wants to travel and has no idea what they're doing with their life.

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