My First Book Release! Everything is Okay

The day has finally come! The last month has felt like forever but also like it has flown by as well. I’m happy to say that everything got done though and my first book, Everything is Okay, is finally available for all to read!

You can read either a print or ebook copy and order that on Amazon. I’m still waiting on Barnes & Noble at the moment but they shouldn’t be far behind and soon you’ll be able to purchase a paperback there as well. If you’re a Kindle Unlimited member, then you can go ahead and read my book without spending a dime!

Synopsis: Everything is Okay is a soulful and honest collection of poems about life with depression and anxiety. It takes the reader through the beginnings of mental illness to the point where hope is found again despite continuing struggles. Because there is always hope – even when life seems at its darkest. 

I am just so excited that it’s finally March 30th! It has been tempting to hit publish a few days early but I made it and withstood the temptation. Yay me!

Published by Stephanie

20 something college student who wants to travel and has no idea what they're doing with their life.

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