Cover Reveal: Beneath the Violent Sea

More good news!

For all of you fantasy lovers out there who love a touch of monster mythology, I have a second poetry collection, Beneath the Violent Sea, coming out on May 25th, 2021! The cover just came in today and I love the colors on it!

I am just too excited to sit on this for any length of time so here we are at nearly midnight with a cover reveal! I had such a great time writing this book and am really looking forward to sharing it with y’all!

Now, I know you’re probably wanting to know what it’s actually about so here you go!

In the black waters of the sea, lies a beast and it’s hungry for flesh.

They created a monster and now the lonesome siren is ready to return with her own reign of terror. With a deathly beautiful song, she lures them to sea. She isn’t satisfied with just one or two victims. She wants him. The one who left the scars in her skin.

So now that you know a bit about it, this is the part where I tell you there will be eARCs! Yes! Exciting, right!? Well, I think so. They aren’t going out quite yet but if you would like a copy when they are available, please email me at authorstephaniedunham @

If you are also interested in receiving an eARC of my collection Everything is Okay, you can also send me an email at the same address and you’ll be put on the list! And since we’re here, if you feel so inclined to pre-order Everything is Okay, you can send me a screenshot and be entered into a drawing to help me pick the topic of my next poetry collection.

Note: Everything is Okay is currently priced at a special pre-order price of $2.99.

If you are wanting physical copies of one or both books, paperbacks will be available on each book’s respective release day.

I have a lot of fun plans for 2021 and I am just chomping at the bit to share them all with you guys, but we’ll just have to be okay with this for now. 😉

Published by Stephanie

20 something college student who wants to travel and has no idea what they're doing with their life.

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