Welcome to the New Site & Reading Update

For the final time, I have moved platforms. Due to financials, I have moved away from my self-hosted site and am now here on the free WordPress platform. I really loved having the chance to have a self-hosted blog but, alas, sometimes good things must come to an end.

With that said, I am still updating blog posts to fit the new platform and formatting so if you see anything funky, that’s why.

But now for something fun. A reading update!

I’m currently in the middle of actively reading three different books. I’m desperately trying to reach 50 books read before the end of the year, and I’m having tons of fun trying to get there. I recently decided to join the TolkienAlong readathon hosted by Booksnest and A Frolic Through Fiction, so I read The Two Towers just last week.

Currently, I am in the middle of rereading Dracula via audiobook and am loving my reread so much. I am also reading Lady Susan by Jane Austen and The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern. Each book is such a joy to read.

I’ve been thinking about what my reading goals and plans are for 2021 and I am so excited to share them with y’all. I’ve read 3 books so far this month and am trying to reach 10 before the month is over. I am halfway through Dracula and Lady Susan won’t take long to finish at all. If I am somehow able to finish The Starless Sea before the week is over I am will be so freaking excited.

I recently found a used bookstore about 10 minutes from where I live and I am in love. I picked up $30 worth of books for about half the price. I am definitely planning on going back there and am really enjoying some of my recent book purchases.

As far as life goes, I gave birth to my beautiful daughter 2.5 months ago and she is such a joy to have. She has brought so much happiness during a difficult year and that happiness is the reason why I have been able to really start reading again. Don’t ever let anyone make you think you won’t be able to read after having a kid, it’s not true. It just might look a little different.

My husband will be graduating with his associate’s degree in a few weeks and I think we may have settled on what his bachelors degree is going to be afterwards. We recently got a new car and it has been such a blessing for us. All in all, 2020 has been really difficult but we’ve also had some great things happen.

Published by Stephanie

20 something college student who wants to travel and has no idea what they're doing with their life.

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