TBR for the Make Your Myth Taker Readathon!

I have been wanting to do a readathon all month but I didn’t want to join any mid month and I wasn’t super interested in the ones I could find for May. I recently came across the Make Your Myth Taker Readathon though and I’m excited to participate! You can find all the details for the readathon HERE.

For this readathon, your reading prompts vary depending on which path you choose. There are four categories and within each category there are 4 different character paths for you to choose from. I chose my path based on what books I already have available at home. I made a personal rule for myself not to borrow or buy any books for the readathon. It just so happens that my books at home best matched up with the path of a knight!

The Prompts

Each path has four prompts to choose from and I’m quite happy with how I was able to match up the prompts with my books. I also decided to limit myself to only choosing fantasy books for the prompts; however, you don’t have to do this at all. This was just my personal preference.

  1. Read a book by a favorite author
  2. Read a book with a weapon on the cover
  3. Continue reading a series
  4. Choose a book featuring a quest to save (something, someone, etc.)

My Choices

It took me a bit longer to choose my TBR than I anticipated, but as I was choosing I really wanted to make sure these books I genuinely want to read this month. The readathon lasts for the entire month so I’m confident I can space these books out well enough if I need to with other books.

  1. Dual at Araluen by John Flanagan
  2. Empire of Sand by Tasha Suri
  3. Crystal Storm by Morgan Rhodes
  4. The Killing Fog by Jeff Wheeler

The readathon does allow you to DNF a book, but I don’t anticipate having to do that with any of these. I’m actually hoping that all or most of these will be 5 star reads for me, which would be great because I’ve had a lot of 2 and 3 star reads this May.

My plan is to read at least one of these books a week in June, leaving the other two books for each weekly TBR open to any whim I may have. I am really excited about this readathon and about the prospect of finally getting to these four books!

Will you be participating in the readathon? Do you like them? Why or why not?

Published by Stephanie

20 something college student who wants to travel and has no idea what they're doing with their life.

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